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Thank you for downloading Converseen!

converseen background

Here is what’s new in โ€“ 2024-04-15 โ€“ Latest!
- Reading PDF files during import is now much faster (Works only with ImageMagick7)
- Service Menu is now compatible with KDE Plasma 6
- Fixed keyboard shortcuts
- Various Bugfixes โ€“ 2024-03-18
- Fixed problem with language file path in some Linux-based operating systems
- Updated Italian Translation
- Various Bugfixes โ€“ 2024-03-10
- Fixed problem with resolution settings when converting from PDF to image
- Fixed bug with the resolution setting of PNG images
- Fixed bug with displaying the resolution correctly in the UI
- Fixed problem with program icon display in Wayland
- Fixed problem with displaying dialogs in Wayland
- Updated French translation
- Various Bugfixes

Read the full Changelog.

I hope you’ll be enjoying Converseen as much as I enjoy coding it! ๐Ÿ™‚

If you enjoyed Converseen, feel free to contribute to its development by making a donation on PayPal, Ko-Fi, or using Cryptocurrencies!


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